Sunday, January 13, 2013

Snowstorms and a Dead Body.....

We had a really bad snowstorm a few weeks ago. I was driving from Hyannis to North Falmouth bringing my grandfather home from his job. It usually takes me about 35-40 mins to get from Hyannis to his house. But tonight was different, I got in the car and immediately started to say a prayer every 5 miles I swear. It was probably the worst driving I had seen in years. It was hard because no matter which direction you drove it blew into the car and it was hard to concentrate. So we were another 10 mins away from his house. I was only driving about 25 mph due to the bad snow. I was still paying attention to the road but I looked to the right side of the road and it looked like a dead body. I hit on the brakes and I skid, my grandfather yelled at me. I told him it looked like a dead body in the snowbank. He then yelled at me and told me to keep going. We kept on driving, but I had the jiminy cricket inside of me was like, go back. But I couldn't because my grandfather yelled at me to keep going. I drove slow and cautiously to his house where his neighborhood was pitch black due to the power being out, which made it creepier with the power out and it was snowing at night. I dropped him off and then drove home. As I got closer to the area where I saw this so called "dead body" I slowed down and made sure nobody was behind me not to cause an accident. I was on the phone with a friend and they kept laughing at me. I kept feeling like I needed to go back and check, yet I was scared. I drove a little further and saw there was a cop. I pulled over and said "I know this may sound crazy, but it looked like there was a dead body on the side of the road, can you go check it?" The police officer asked me where and told him. "Yes I'll go check it" I told him thank you. Drove home and thanked my heavenly father for having me get home safe and sound. I went to bed that night praying that hoping that it wasn't a dead body. Went to church the next morning and the sun was out and was nice out. I got closer and was really hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. I got closer and realized that it was the underside of the grass that was piled up from the snowplow. Yes, it was DIRT !!!! I laughed all the way to church and couldn't wait to tell my friend Betsy. I did tell her and she we laughed and laughed till we cried.

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