Sunday, September 16, 2012

Let's go Way Back.....

Ok these first few stories, will be from years past, they are too good to not post, so please bear with me. P.S. Some names maybe changed to hide the identity of those who might be embarrassed to know me, and how crazy I am.

Story #1
About 6 years ago my friend Anna was 14 or 15(can't remember) and wanted to learn how to drive. So I took her to an empty parking lot so she could practice. She was fine, drove carefully and responsibly and such. So after that I drove her home. We got into her neighborhood(which wasn't a busy one) and wanted to drive again. I let her just drive up the street and up to around her house. She was really worried that her dad would get upset. She got into the car, put her seat belt on and fixed the mirrors, and all that stuff. We're driving around and all of a sudden her dad is in his car right behind us. She pulls into a random driveway and freaks out, meanwhile, she jumps out of the moving car(the car was only going like 4mph) !!! I was laughing so hard I was almost crying. I tried to get in the car, but she pulled the seat up too far and I couldn't get in. What was I supposed to do? I pulled the emergency break. Thankfully that stopped the car, but then I looked up and found the car to be inches away from this little tree in their front yard. Then after all that was done, her sister walks up from behind us and says "hi? what are you doing?" All we could do is laugh. Lesson learned never let your 14 year old friend drive the car.

Story #2
I had gone on a double date with friends years back. We decided to go bowling. It started raining on the way, not only raining but down pouring so hard I could barely see in front of me. When we finally found out way and got to the bowling alley, it stopped, of course, just my luck. We go in and it's like a bar, smokey and gross. Unfortunately this is common in Boston. We got our tickets and went bowling and had a good time. Oh by the way, one of the guys who we had gone with just had knee surgery weeks before, so his leg was in a brace. We finished bowling and headed out to the car. I figure I should at least help my friend with a brace on his leg and not make him walk. I pull up and the 3 of them get in the car. I thought everyone was in the car. Didn't really realize that he was only 1/2 way in the car, meanwhile I'm literally pulling away, and all of a sudden I'm getting yelled at "stop, stop, stop"  I look back and I felt so bad. Anyways lesson learned, make sure ALL your friends are in the car before pulling away.

Story #3 (lengthy)
I have such amazingly smart friends. I so happened to always be there to help my friends, no matter what. In May in 2008, friends were flying home from being away at school. One night 2 of my good friends, John & John, one went to MIT the other Harvard, both needed to be at the airport at 3am. I was trying to get some sleep for the next day. I couldn't fall asleep, so I just went to his dorm and thought he might like some help cleaning. Some other friends were there too just hanging out. Walk in, and he was just starting to pack at 1am !!! I walk in and it's like a bomb exploded everywhere. Books, papers, clothing, shoes, notebooks, and little nick knacks here and there, yet he only had 2 medium sized suitcases and a backpack. I asked him, "what else do you have? how much  more stuff do you have?"  He replied  and pointed to his desk(which still had a bunch of stuff on it) then he pointed to the bathroom (and all my stuff in the bathroom). All I could do was laugh and tell him to move it so he doesn't miss his flight.  So all he really did was just shove stuff into his suitcases and backpack. He finally finishes and we're off to pick up the other John, at his place to get them to the airport on time. My car at the time was a little honda accord hatch back. It was used, and worn out, but it worked. Sometimes the lock didn't work right so you had to figit with it. We get in the car and he tells me where to go. When we got there, we could only park in a certain area. On the way he tells me that we have to make another unexpected trip to drop off his mini fridge first THEN go back and get all his luggage. So John #1Harvard, had just enough room for John #2MIT to put his stuff in. So I walk to the back of the car to open up the back, and it's not working. John #1 had to crawl through the back on top of all his stuff, thank goodness John #1 was a bean pole and could fit. So he's trying to help me, meanwhile, I was laughing so hard, I couldn't help him. I said hold on one min for me to catch my breath. I ran up to the front console and grabbed my camera(he didn't know I was doing this) and told :)  Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh so funny. Ahhh the memories...Lesson learned...ALWAYS carry a camera in your car or purse

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! I know at least one of them! Love it! Keep writing, Bridget!!
