A few months ago, I had a stomach problem which lead to lots of bathroom problems and vomiting. It started about 5:30 pm and I was in a lot of pain. My mom drove me to the ER. Got there and was having a hard time. They took my vitals and took me to a bed that was a long distance away from the bathroom. Of course I'm having stomach issues and you put me in a room that's far away...are you asking for a mess? They put me in the bed and just as I sit down they start taking blood. They put the turnakit thing around my arm to get blood to test it for 1001 things I could possibly have. Just as they find a vein, I start to throw up to the point where I almost pass out. Yet the nurse was tugging at my arm to get the blood. They tried to get some samples for me. A few minutes later after the doctor had seen me and I was feeling a little better after the nurse gave me pain medication. I asked her not to give me Morphine because I've had it before and I didn't like the feeling it gave me(it was scary). Anyways so I'm sitting there puking my brains out and she's trying to get blood from me, really? Then the nurse confirms to me that she wasn't going to give me Morphine, but a stronger drug ?!?! It took a few minutes for it to kick in. They also gave me an IV to help me because I was so dehydrated. After a while I start to get antsy and can't fall asleep, yet I want to. Meanwhile the machine starts to beep every 30 seconds for it to be replaced. Started talking to my mom so time could pass. She looks around the room and grabs a glove. She then puts it to her mouth and blows it up and makes it into this turkey thing(yes it was a few days before thanksgiving). Hours later they let me leave and the rest is history.
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